This has been a passion project of Nationally Syndicated Radio Host Nick B. for years and finally, he has been able to get it going. It will have a few hiccups at first but as it grows it will become the review that everyone looks for. Why? Because he genuinely loves movies, music, tech, and whatever else he will review from the purest part of him. Today you often hear that a movie is “woke” or that a musician has gone “woke” and he just doesn’t feel that way saying “Look I know it happens but it’s a politically charged world now. I don’t believe that people are purposely tanking box office or albums just to satisfy a handful of people. Does it happen absolutely but I just don’t subscribe to this bigger agenda type of belief because everything in the US is about currency people want it why would they purposely destroy their ability to get it? Makes no sense.” It is because of this approach you will get a review from someone that loves movies without an agenda if it gets a low rating it’s because it sucks and nothing more.
Growing up he had two comforts the first was and will always be music but the close second was movies. When he was young his mother would go to the local video store to rent the max of movies to watch all weekend sometimes renting the max at each location. They would spend the entire weekend watching movies a tradition he has carried on with his kids only nowadays you don’t have to go to the video store you don’t even have to leave your house. “I love technology but I hate when it kills something I love and it looks like that advent of home streaming I feel that the movie theater a place I had many visits with my wife and kids may be a thing of the past. I haven’t felt the need to go to the theater to watch anything especially when you look at the pricing difference and I know it’s horrible to say that as a purest but it’s true. it would cost my family one hundred dollars and that is BEFORE any snacks which we all know are overpriced. I love the movie theater but I will happily pay the twenty bucks to watch it at home, especially with all the movies I will be reviewing.” This is what is behind his movie reviews not some sort of agenda as he loves the industry and doesn’t want to see it suffer any more losses than its had. The same is true when it comes to music he loves all genres but has yet to find anything he likes about the young hip-hop stars but there are a few. Music will have the same strict ranking system and always from a place of a fan nothing more.
So the ranking system is based on “B” scale with the lowest rating being “Half a B” and the highest rating is five “B’s” and a full review of how he came to that review. He will always tell you WHY he felt it deserved this rating for each review. The one thing he doesn’t like is a “gimmick” so if a movie or tech or whatever feels too gimmickie he will let you know this impacted his review. An example of a gimmicky movie would be making a character something that makes no sense just to sell tickets. So as long as there are no gimmicks and it’s a good product it will be reviewed highly otherwise…
The B. Review: Real, Raw, and Honest!