I will be discussing something personal to me. I do not do this for any sympathy or to gain anything; I only hope most people can see where I’m coming from and why I think and believe the way I do. When I was young, my sister was murdered. I never give the approximate age to help keep my family, who aren’t as public as me, safe. I know it can be figured out with a bit of digging, but this is what I do to protect them as much as possible. There is a movement in our country to undermine and end all death sentences. People are advocating for the murderers to remain alive, and I can’t comprehend it. I am an anarchist, as I have said, but with some things, I do not agree with full-blown anarchy; this is one of them. So here are some of my thoughts on it. Please forgive the stuttering. I am currently in the middle of a fast and dealing with a raging headache and brain fog. Here is my video on it: